

The C++ library lorina implements parsers for simple file formats used in logic synthesis and formal verification. A callback mechanism in form of customizable visitor classes allows users to react on parsed primitives and parse errors.

The library consists of several independent parsers. Each parser has its own header file that contains a reader function read_<format> and a reader visitor <format>_reader, where <format> has to be substituted with the format to be parsed. The reader visitor class <format>_reader provides a set of default implementations of virtual on_<primitive> methods called by the parser. Each callback method corresponds to an event point defined by the implementation of the parsing algorithm, e.g., the completion of the parsing of the format’s header information, or a certain input or gate definition.

The read_<format> function can either be used to open and parse a file provided by name (const std::string& filename) or to parse tokens from an input stream (std::istream& in):

/* read file */
const std::string filename = ...;
read_<format>( filename, <format>_reader() );

/* read istream */
std::ifstream in( filename.c_str(), std::ifstream::in );
read_<format>( in, <format>_reader() );


The default behavior of any reader visitor can be customized by deriving from a reader visitor and overriding its virtual callback methods. In the following code snippet, the class print_bench_input_decl derives from bench_reader and customizes the behavior of the on_input event point:

class print_bench_input_decl : public bench_reader
  void on_input( const std::string& name ) const override
    std::cout << "INPUT: " << name << std::endl;


To reduce code and executable size, error handling is implemented via return codes and a lightweight callback visitor mechanism (instead of C++ exceptions). This allows users to embed lorina into their projects even when C++ exceptions are globally disabled.

All reader functions read_<format> either return return_code::success if parsing has been successful or otherwise return_code::parse_error. The diagnostic engine additionally allows users to react on parse errors. Diagnostics are automatically activated by providing a pointer to a diagnostic_engine as a third parameter to a reader function:

diagnostic_engine diag;
return_code result = read_<format>( filename, <format>_reader(), &diag );

The parse error event points and the corresponding error messages are specified by the respective parsing algorithm. The default behavior of the diagnostic engine can be customized (similarly to the reader visitors) by deriving from diagnostic_engine and overriding its virtual callback method emit.