
The header <lorina/diagnostics.hpp> implements a mechanism to report issues and problems encountered during parsing.

The diagnostic engine (class diagnostic_engine) is used to emit diagnostics when a parsing algorithm encounters mistakes. The possible error messages are specified by the implementation of the respective parsing algorithm.

The diagnostic builder (class diagnostic_builder) is a lightweight temporary container for diagnostic information. A builder is constructed when the method report of the diagnostic engine is called. After construction, the diagnostic algorithm may add additional information while the temporary is alive. When the temporary is destructed, the diagnostic is issued by invoking the method emit of the diagnostic engine.

The diagnostic consumer (class diagnostic_consumer) consumes diagnostics that have been emitted by the diagnostic engine. The consumer implements a (virtual) method handle_diagnostic that defines how a diagnostic is processed. The default consumer text_diagnostics (derived from diagnostic_consumer) writes the emitted diagnostics to stdout and stderrs, respectively.

Header: lorina/diagnostics.hpp

class diagnostic_engine

A diagnostic engine.

class diagnostic_builder

A builder for diagnostics.

An object that encapsulates a diagnostic. The diagnostic may take additional parameters and is finally issued at the end of its life time.

class diagnostic_consumer

A consumer for diagnostics.

Subclassed by lorina::text_diagnostics

class text_diagnostics : public lorina::diagnostic_consumer

A consumer for diagnostics.